1. Order Cancellation

1.1 Eligibility for Cancellation

  • Orders can be canceled within 12 hours of placement.
  • Once the order is processed and shipped, cancellation requests cannot be accommodated.

1.2 How to Cancel an Order
To cancel your order within the eligible timeframe:

  • Contact our support team at info@healthytrac.com with your order details (Order ID and date).
  • Upon successful cancellation, the refund process will be initiated as per our refund policy.

1.3 Exceptions
HealthyTrac reserves the right to refuse cancellation if:

  • The order has already been shipped.
  • Custom or personalized products are involved.
  1. Refund Policy

2.1 Refund Eligibility
Refunds are only issued under the following conditions:

  • The product is damaged or defective upon delivery.
  • The product delivered is incorrect or does not match the order details.
  • A cancellation request is made within the eligible timeframe.

2.2 Refund Request Process

  • Email us at info@healthytrac.com with your Order ID, proof of purchase, and any relevant details such as photographs for damaged or defective products.
  • Our team will evaluate your request within 3 business days and notify you of approval or rejection.

2.3 Refund Method
Approved refunds will be processed to the original payment method. The refund timeline is as follows:

  • Razorpay transactions: 7–10 business days.
  • Other payment methods: Refund times may vary depending on the bank or payment provider.

2.4 Deductions
Refunds for cancellations made after payment processing may be subject to:

  • A nominal administrative fee.
  • Deduction of shipping charges for shipped orders.
  1. Returns Policy

3.1 Conditions for Returns
Returns are accepted only if:

  • The product is in its original packaging, unused, and accompanied by the original invoice.
  • The return request is made within 7 days of receiving the product.

3.2 Return Process

  • To initiate a return, email info@healthytrac.com with your Order ID and reason for return.
  • Once approved, the product must be shipped back to us at the address provided.
  • Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer unless the product is defective or incorrect.

3.3 Inspection and Approval

  • Upon receiving the returned product, we will inspect it within 3 business days to verify its condition.
  • If approved, a refund or replacement will be initiated.
  1. Non-Refundable Scenarios

Refunds or returns will not be issued in the following cases:

  • Products damaged due to misuse, improper handling, or external factors.
  • Custom or personalized orders.
  • Failure to provide valid proof for a refund or return request.
  1. Contact Information

For all cancellation, refund, or return requests, contact us at:

  • Email: info@healthytrac.com
  • Phone: +91 9316186070

Our team is available to assist you during business hours, Monday to Friday.

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